Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I am annoyed and unhappy with many things lately.
I don't want to study.
I don't want to go to school.
I rather lead a simple and happy life.
I rather live in England than live in Singapore cause Singapore has got not much of a tradition, a history. (I miss when I was young. I miss my childhood, when I used to go shopping every single weekend and life was so carefree. But now life is terribly harsh and tiring.
I really hate liars, irresponsible people, people who do what's wrong at the wrong time. WTH lah. Seriously.
I wished I live in England. But then again, Singapore is unique. the district I am lving in is not bad.
I don't want study.
But then again, I am losing my motivation to study, like last year during EOY, that's why my EOY grades suck.
I hate studying. I know it's for our own good but I really hate studying.
And I really dislike certain people.

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