Sunday, August 8, 2010


Yesterday was EDS CIP DAY!
Had a fun day yesterday.
First we went to distribute light bulbs to the residents.
And then aiya I lazy to type.
But anyway, after CIP, I had a great time chatting with Sonia, Jamie, Crystal etc etc.
Sonia was being cute when we received the water bottle.
She was like "Okay, I am going to erase the wordings on it then use it!". Hahas.
Lol, that was like totally cute.
And then I was damn lag during the briefing on some YOG thingy. We all had to crowd around for I don't know what reason.
Then I was like "Oh, so we are here for photo taking session?"
Then Jamie and Sonia burst out laughing.
hahas, yeah, I was damn lag. They were like "you took 10 minutes plus to realise that? wow, cindy, wow." Hahas. :D
And then I felt so happy as I chatted with them and others etc.
Then we watched the YOG runners run.
Wah damn cool sia.
Then EDS people went mad. Other CCAs too. We cheered when every single vehicle passed by. The drivers gave us the "wah" look. So cute lah. Then wah so epic. The police even came to like omg ensure safety? Ensure the safety of the torch or? Hahas. We were standing by the road mah. So damn epic lah. And then Jia Xin was like so totally famous. Everybody was screaming at her for photographs cause she one of the torch bearers mah. So good. :D Then yeah, I was feeling damn hot cause the weather was freaking hot. Then I walked home with Jun De. Hahas, I can't believe I actually walked home with a guy alone. Wah. Like so totally epic man. Lols. Hahas, anyway he's a nice guy. Very friendly etc. Lol, but I am not crushing on him horh. SO don't get the wrong idea.

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