Monday, August 16, 2010

I realised..

Life is unpredictable. We thought we couldn't win the competition and we won. I was expecting 2I to win. Seriously. so when wu lao shi read out the second position I was like, aiya 2J lah, then I was trying to compose myself. But we won. And we didn't expect it. It came as a shock. A big shock. And because of that, life is unpredictable, things you thought wouldn't happen actually happen.

I realised that once something is broken, it would be so long before you can mend the broken parts. Or maybe it won't be mend at all.
I realised, I am rather annoyed with you.
I realised, I wished I could go back to early last year. When school first started. I realised a lot of things. I realised I haven't been getting good results lately. I feel demoralised. I realised time really does make a friendship you thought was so stable drift apart. I realised I have lots of things to say but can't. I realised that I feel upset at the moment. I realised I haven't exactly been that happy for the past few days. I realised I missed a lot of things. I realised life is weird. When you thought you could get away from something you weren't happy with, comes another one. But this time round, the new one isn't something you are happier with as compared to the last time one. So maybe the new isn't that good at all in certain aspects. I feel so emotional right now. I have lots of things to say, but apparently can't. I know I am going to miss 2J. I feel tired. Tired of a lot of things happening recently. Maybe I am just too sensitive.
I realised many things have changed over the course of 1 year plus. Nearly 2 years. And the change maybe aren't exactly what I wanted.
I feel fake at times. Maybe I am just too concerned about others' feelings.
My this post feels real, a true reflection of who I really am.

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