Monday, July 12, 2010

A new post.

This is my first post since May.
It's been a long 2 months indeed. Previously, I didnt post because I saw no purpose in doing so and I wanted to protect myself because I was still deeply wounded at that time. Now well, I guess the wound has healed a lot. A lot till I no longer think about it as often. Now I love my family a lot and have definitely grown a lot. In fact, I can't tell how much I have grown. I learnt to be more sensitive just like today. I just learnt many many lessons.
And yesterday's night conversation with Clarissa was helpful. It made me well kind of feel better and not feel so scared to irritate people with my questions. It just made me feel better and well, I just felt better.
And thoroughout this period of 2 months, I gained courage, grew and became a stronger person. I guess in our life, we need obstacles in order to make us stronger. I think that's very true. Because everytime a new obstacle comes up, I will tell myself " I can overcome it.".
And today, I gained courage and confidence to tell you something. I guess well, with my new-found maturity, I will understand and accept even if you don't want this friendship. And I guess we need time to start all over again. I hope to see you post about it on your blog so that at least I have an answer. If I don't see the post by tomorrow, I will forget this friendship and learnt to accept it. (Okay, this sounds harsh.)
There are so many things I want to tell you but I can't. Because I can't. Because you won't listen. But it's okay. I understand.
Thank you for teaching me sensitiveness. Just like today, the most important thing was that everyone got to play the frisbee challenge. Because we have to spare a thought for others. And this will be the last time I am posting about you. Unless of course things change for the better. And I do hope to see changes for the better . :)
Okay, maybe I shouldn't have posted this. I feel a bit down now. :(

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